It’s Leap Year! Are you ready to take the leap of becoming a homeowner on St. Croix?
We’ve been having fun on Facebook showing off some of the incredible features of our clients’ listings. From a home with two pools to a condo with its own private pool, we can help you narrow down your search for St. Croix real estate with a pool. Or maybe it’s important to you to find a home with furnishings, like this impeccably decorated home (with a killer closet, we might add!). Buck Island view, we can help you find that too!
It’s also been a joy getting to know The Keane’s as we seek the next happy owners of their stunning two-home beachfront property, Paradise Found, in Cotton Valley. In their Featured Client blog, they shared what they love most about their home:

“The Caribbean ocean at our doorstep, the ability to snorkel or scuba dive right off our beach, as well as paddle-board. Lying in the hammock between the palm trees and unobstructed views of Buck Island. We really love sitting at our pool with a glass of wine looking out at the sailboats and catamarans gliding past!”
In January, Governor Bryan gave his second State of the Territory address. Watch the video or read the transcript. A key theme throughout is how his administration has improved the Territory’s financial position, laying a solid foundation for continued improvement of our economy. The Governor was also in Washington, D.C., last week discussing GERS, Medicaid, National Park land and federal tax legislation impacting the territory with senior White House officials. Follow Government House – US Virgin Islands to see a new Facebook live series of interviews with the current administration, The Press Box, as well as other updates from the government.
We were thrilled to see the recent news that the BMV Launches “Skip the Line, Renew Online” Vehicle Registration. Now, vehicles that are 6 years old or less do not require a physical inspection and vehicles between 6 to 10 years old are inspected every two years. If your vehicle fits that bill, be sure to register online. If you’ve ever had business at the BMV in the USVI, you know how great this is!
We’ll leave you with this Meet Team Fedeles video so you can get to know Stephen and me a little better. We hope your extra day this month involves taking a leap into something exciting!
Warm regards,
Team Fedeles